Monday, February 23, 2015

Here With You Now (2015 and Beyond)


Greetings to those that may still pass thru here. Indeed, it's been a minute but alas, Magic Apron is UP and ready to serve thee!

From the image above you can see that everybody's Favorite Sonic Seeker Robby Kee hears something new and rich from that great and mysterious wilderness of sound. And like a moth to the light at night a guitar hovers and slurs!....

In spite of our busy days/busy life we are gradually building towards something really honest and satisfactory.. and with the aid of a few Special Friends..

First, expect two tracks probably within a couple of months and then the whole 10-track SHEBANG whenever she's a ready!

Beware, a grandly strange and slightly sweet terror is coming!..

More updates and info to come.


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